Лента новостей, Международное сотрудничество, Для студентов и магистрантов, Для аспирантов и докторантов
The International Relations Department associated with the International Office has launched a pilot project
The English-read project called How the US Became the Superpower. The lecture will be dedicated to overview of the birth and the rise of the US as a superpower.
The lecture will be held on May 20th at room 5-516 and would last at least for an hour starting at 11:25. A number of issues would be discussed.
The term superpower was first coined in 1944 and ever since it has had numerous definitions some define a superpower as a nation able to project its power globally others get much more specific and say it must include the ability to project not only military power but also economic political and social power globally and by some definitions that in turn requires a continental size landmass, a large population, a nuclear capacity and a universal ideology.
The lecturer will be Mr. Constantine Korabelnikov who has had copious experience in lecturing around the world. His interests embrace diverse subjects from ancient history to theology.
Новость-тест: организаторы мероприятия ждут всех, кто понял, о чем речь!
Лента новостей, Международное сотрудничество, Для студентов и магистрантов, Для аспирантов и докторантов