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On the 13th of December, the presentation of Novosibirsk universities took place via an online broadcast for Chinese high school students. Marina Maksimova, the leading specialist of the international cooperation department and Maidinai Alimu, a student of the public sector faculty from China, presented the main educational programs, as well as opportunities provided at NSUEM. The presentation was attended by more than a thousand of high school students from different Chinese provinces - Guizhou, Heilongjiang, Hubei, Shandong and Shanxi.
Международное сотрудничество
Education in Russia: NSUEM presented its educational programs to thousands of high school students in China

Marina Maksimova emphasized that participation in the presentation allowed us not only to talk about a wide range of educational programs at the university, but also to establish contact with prospective applicants and answer their questions. In addition, high school students were interested in living conditions in dormitories, Siberian climate, especially in winter, and so on.
The presentation was organized by the Russian Cultural Centre in Beijing, Association of Pre-University Educational Institutions of Russia and China, Novosibirsk Universities Representative Office in China, Novosibirsk State University, Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University and Novosibirsk interuniversity center of international education «NICE».
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