Migration card is a rather small piece of document that you obtain when going through the passport control. It proves that you crossed the border legally. It is always free and is usually passed along during your flight or can be found on the information stands next to the passport control gates.
Carefully fill in your personal information and make sure that “Purpose of your entry” is indicated as “Studies” (учёба).
Please, keep the migration card during the whole duration of your stay in Russia as you are required to return it to the passport control when you leave Russia, so keep it in your passport holder at all times.

Dear Students!
Welcome to Novosibirsk State University of Economics and Management!
We are glad to have you here and we hope that your education with us will not only be useful and interesting, but will also bring you a successful career launch, many great friends and acquaintances and of course new experiences in academic and social aspects of your life.
There is always something going on within the walls of our University, so join our social networks, follow the announcements, befriend your classmates and teammates, take part in events, be active and proactive and you will definitely succeed.
Though, regardless of fun and engaging activities, please do remember – to get into the University is easier than to study in one and it is especially so for our international students as in addition to studying you also have to keep in mind the migration laws and regulations of the Russian Federation.
Since ignorance of the laws, unfortunately, does not exempt from the liability, in order to make your study and stay at NSUEM as comfortable as possible, and in order to exclude unpleasant situations, we ask you to read the rules of your stay in Russia and in our University carefully.
The main regulations are indicated below so that you can refer to them whenever you need. And, in case you forget, didn’t quite understand something or if you have any questions do not hesitate to contact the International Cooperation Department. Our doors are always open for you:
Address: Kamenskaya str. 56, office 1-24a, 2nd floor.
Novosibirsk city, Russian Federation, 630099
ул. Каменская, 56, 1 корпус, 2 этаж, аудитория 1-24а
г. Новосибирск, 630099, РФ
Telephone: +7 (383) 243 94 16
E-mail: international@nsuem.com
7 main migration regulations for international students:
Upon arrival all international students are required:
- to present passport, migration card and registration card (if applicable) to the International Cooperation Department on the first working day upon arrival.
Your migration card and your visa must both indicate the purpose of your stay as “Studies” (учёба). - to apply for the registration, which is a compulsory migration procedure for foreign citizens in Russia and must be done as soon as possible upon arrival.
All foreign citizens must be registered strictly at the address where they actually live!
Living outside the place of your registration is a violation of the legislation of the Russian Federation. - to preserve both migration card and registration throughout the whole period of your stay in Russia.
Every time you leave and re-enter Russia, you will have to go through the process of registration once again. - to acquire a medical insurance (must be renewed annually).
- to come to the International Cooperation Department no later than 45 days before the expiration of the migration documents: visa, migration card and registration card.
Your passport must be valid for over 1,5 years in order to apply for the visa invitation, and at least 6 month for visa renewal. - to notify International Cooperation Department about each and every of your arrivals and departures (including on vacation), as well as in case of inpatient treatment (in a hospital or health center); changes with your passport and with your residence address, because all these cases automatically cancel your registration and thus it is necessary to go through the process of registration once again.
- IMPORTANT: if you are EXPELLED or SUSPENDED from the University for financial and / or academic failure (poor academic performance or poor attendance without a valid reason) in accordance with paragraph 1 of Article 31 of the Federal Law No. 115, a foreign student is required to leave the territory of the Russian Federation within three days (3 days) from the date of the release of the order on the expulsion.
Migration registration procedure for the International Students in Russian Federation
All foreign citizens must be registered at the place of stay with local migration authorities as soon as they arrive in the Russian Federation.
For tourists, hotels do it automatically, but for the long-term students the process is a bit trickier as the registration is done manually and must be re-done each time after:
- crossing the border;
- moving from one address to the other;
- undergoing inpatient treatment (staying in a hospital);
- changing your migration documents (passport, visa, migration card).
All foreign citizens must be registered strictly at the address where they actually live!Living outside the place of your registration is a violation of the legislation of the Russian Federation.
So if you live outside the dormitory make sure your landlord (an owner of the apartment you live in) registered you in the apartment. If the landlord refuses to do so, you must search for a new place to stay.
Please present your registration (A4 paper torn in half) to the International Cooperation Department as soon as you have it.
The registration procedure for the students who live in the University dormitory is done by the International Cooperation Department.
For the registration we need:
- Copy of the 1st page of the passport;
- Copy of the migration card;
- Copy and original of the previous registration (if applicable).
Registration procedure is free.
You need to submit all the documents to the International Cooperation Department as soon as possible as the majority of the documents are to be done within 3 days upon arrival to the Russian Federation.
IMPORTANT: if you do not stay at the dormitory for 3 consecutive days without notifying a duty supervisor and without a valid reason, an International Department will have to nullify your registration.
The registration procedure for the students who live in the rented apartment is done by the landlord (an owner of the apartment you live in) at the nearest local migration authorities (районная миграционная служба).
For the registration the landlord will need:
- copy of the 1st page of your passport;
- copy of your migration card;
- copy and original of the previous registration (if applicable);
- the renting agreement;
- the reference from the university (can obtain in the International Cooperation Department);
- + the landlord’s own documents (passport, documents confirming ownership of the apartment).
Registration procedure is free.
IAll foreign citizens must be registered strictly at the address where they actually live!
Living outside the place of your registration is a violation of the legislation of the Russian Federation.
So make sure your landlord registered you in the apartment and present your registration (A4 paper torn in half) to the International Cooperation Department once you have it.
If the landlord refuses to register you, you must search for a new place to stay.
All the migration documents must be renewed a month in advance (at least 20 working days before the expiry date), thus you need to submit all the relevant documents to the International Cooperation Department 45 days before the due date.
The registration is renewed by the owner of the place you live in. If you live in the University dormitory, the International Cooperation Department will renew your registration after you submit all the necessary documents. If you live in a rented apartment, your landlord should do it.
In both cases you must approach the International Cooperation Department to get the reference letter from the university.
We can renew only Study visa (“Учеба”). Shor-term courses, tourist or private visas are not renewable.
All international students from the Visa countries will firstly get a 1-entry 90-days visa to enter Russia, and it needs to be renewed right away after your arrival in Novosibirsk.
To get the multi-entry long-term visa you need to approach the International Cooperation Department not later than 45 working days before your old visa expires with all the documents:
- 1 photo 3*4 cm on white background;
- Agreement (contract) with NSUEM (original + copy);
- Copy of your passport (all pages, even the empty ones!);
- Passport;
- Registration (original + copy);
- Migration card (original + copy);
- 1600 RUB for the visa fee.
IMPORTANT: if you arrive in Russia 1 month before your visa expires or even later, we will not be able to renew your visa. You should get your tickets to Novosibirsk as soon as possible after getting your visa invitation so that upon your arrival we still have at least 45 working days to apply for the long-term multi-entry Study visa.
If you are suspended or expelled from the university temporary (including in case of an academic vocation) or permanently (for poor academic performance, poor attendance without a valid reason or in cases of a successful graduation) in accordance with paragraph 1 of Article 31 of the Federal Law No. 115, a foreign students are required to leave the territory of the Russian Federation within three days (3 days) from the date of the release of the order on the expulsion / suspension.
Even if you have a valid long-term multi-entry visa, it is automatically cancelled and you still need to leave the country and get a new visa invitation before you can come back that will take approximately 1,5 months. So in order to avoid such situations, please study hard and follow the University protocol to close academic debts and pay for your education in time.
IMPORTANT: refusal to leave the territory of the Russian Federation on time is considered as evasion, which is a violation of the migration legislation of the Russian Federation and can be punishable by a sizeable fine and deportation up to the ban on re-entry.
All international students who come to study at NSUEM are required to take out health coverage within one month of the date they are enrolled. We urge you to purchase a comprehensive medical insurance policy with dental care included.
Medical insurance (ДМС) is compulsory for foreign citizens in Russia during the whole period of their legal stay and must be renewed annually. The insurance covers outpatient and inpatient care, hospitalization and transportation if needed.
You can organize it yourself by selecting a company accredited in the Russian Federation. Alternatively, you can choose to purchase your medical insurance at NSUEM once you have arrived. The cost of Medical insurance for one year is about 2,500 to 4,000 rubles. The fine for its absence is from two to seven thousand rubles.
A foreign citizen has the right to work in the Russian Federation only upon receiving a work permit and reaching the age of 18.
To get a work permit an international student must submit an application to the subdivision of the local migration authorities (at the place of registration).
You can organize it yourself by selecting a company accredited in the Russian Federation. NOTE! Work permit is not necessary in the following cases:
- For the international full-time students who work in the university or in another organisation during the summer breaks or holidays;
- For students from the member states of the Eurasian Economic Union (Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan).
Procedure in case of the loss (theft) of any documents (passport, visa, migration card, registration):
- Immediately contact the Police Department and local Migration Authorities at the place of your residence or the nearest Police Department where the loss (theft) of the document took place.
- Get a notification from the Police about the loss (theft) of a document.
IMPORTANT! Notification must be issued to you on the spot. Without an official notification from the Police, your stay in the Russian Federation will be considered illegal. - Notify the International Cooperation Department, so that we know about the situation and can assist if necessary (provide copies or prove your identity).
REMEMBER: an untimely appeal to the Police with a statement about the loss (theft) of the documents of a foreign citizen is a violation of the federal law of the Russian Federation and may entail unpleasant consequences such as a sizeable fine by the Migration Services and up to the deportation from the Russian Federation without the right to re-entry.
The issues of the legal status and migration registration of foreign citizens and stateless persons in the Russian Federation are governed by the following main laws and regulations:
- Federal law on the legal status of foreign citizens in the Russian Federation
Федеральный закон от 25.07.2002 №115-ФЗ «О правовом положении иностранных граждан в Российской Федерации»: http://www.consultant.ru/document/cons_doc_LAW_37868/ - Federal law on the procedure of entering and leaving the Russian Federation
Федеральный закон от 15.08.1996 №114-ФЗ «О порядке выезда из Российской Федерации и въезда в Российскую Федерацию»: http://www.consultant.ru/document/cons_doc_LAW_11376/ - Federal law on migration registration of foreign citizens and stateless persons
Федеральный закон от 18.07.2006 №109-ФЗ «О миграционном учете иностранных граждан и лиц без гражданства в РФ»: http://www.consultant.ru/document/cons_doc_LAW_61569/
International students who arrive in the Russian Federation in violation of the established procedure for crossing the state border; did not go through the registration procedures on time; avoid leaving the Russian Federation at the end of the permitted period of stay, those who engage in illegal activities, including working without a permit as well as handing over inaccurate or false information for the migration registration are liable in accordance with the Federal legislation of the Russian Federation.
Compliance with the rules of stay and temporary residence established by the legislation of the Russian Federation; the deadlines and rules of migration registration, as well as with the rules of the NSUEM is mandatory for all foreign students.
Failure to follow the established rules and procedures is a violation of the laws of the Russian Federation and the internal regulations of the University and may entail disciplinary and administrative liability in the form of a fine, expulsion from the University and up to the deportation without the right to re-entry.
Timely renewal of migration registration and other migration documents is a guarantee of your legal stay in Russia, which means it is a guarantee of your steady and calm learning process.
The migration legislation of the Russian Federation does not provide any privileges or exceptions for students! Protect yourself and your future - do not violate the laws of the Russian Federation!